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About the Climate Voters Campaign

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KLY-muht VOH-ter


An individual who prioritizes climate change and environmental sustainability as key issues when casting their ballot in elections. This voter actively seeks candidates who advocate for strong climate policies, support renewable energy initiatives, and commit to reducing carbon emissions. Climate voters understand the urgency of the climate crisis and believe that governmental action is essential in addressing it. 

We believe that creating a movement of engaged, informed Climate Voters is the key to driving federal climate action.

Our mission is to empower Southwest Michigan college students to fight climate change by voting for candidates who prioritize the environment. By fostering a strong sense of civic responsibility, we’re encouraging students to lead the charge in advocating for climate justice. Through education, organizing, and community-building, we’re making climate voting a central focus on campuses and beyond.


Why This Campaign Matters

The urgency of climate change has never been clearer, and the decisions made at the ballot box have a direct impact on our environmental future. This campaign is crucial because it empowers Southwest Michigan college students to become informed, active climate voters. By focusing on educating and mobilizing the next generation of voters, we are not only shaping the future of our communities but also influencing federal climate policies.


Every vote counts in the fight against climate change, and by prioritizing candidates who are committed to environmental protection, we drive meaningful progress toward a sustainable future. This campaign transforms civic engagement into a powerful tool for climate action, ensuring that our voices are heard and our concerns addressed on the national stage. Join us in making climate voting a cornerstone of democratic action and a catalyst for real change.

Campaign Goals

WMU is in the 4th Congressional District, the 20th State Senate District, and the 41st State House District.

Not a Western student? Find your voter information here.

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