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About the WMU Climate Change Working Group

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About Us

The organization behind the Climate Voters Campaign, the WMU Climate Change Working Group is an interdisciplinary group of faculty, staff, student, and community volunteers dedicated to working for the urgent action needed to adapt to and mitigate global climate change. The CCWG heightens the awareness of the consequences of climate change and provides leadership about action through research, education, and community outreach in Kalamazoo. The CCWG is a member of the Kalamazoo Climate Crisis Coalition.

Our Goals

Enhance the education of WMU students, faculty and staff to increase their awareness and understanding of climate change

Provide community outreach to increase awareness and understanding of climate change and to engage interested citizens in activities related to climate change mitigation

Support interdisciplinary research and grant-seeking related to climate change

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About our Members

The CCWG consists of over 100 members including leaders of local climate-related groups, community members, local government officials, Kalamazoo College faculty, WMU students, faculty and staff from several colleges, representatives from the Office for Sustainability and the Center for the Study of Ethics in Society. The active ‘core’ group of faculty, all of whom teach and research on topics related to climate change, represent various perspectives from the humanities, social sciences and physical sciences. Currently, much of our effort is coordinated with the Kalamazoo Climate Crisis Coalition (KCCC), which is a consortium of many local groups working to heighten the awareness of, and action toward, climate change.


1903 W Michigan Ave
Kalamazoo Michigan 49008-5419 USA



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WMU is in the 4th Congressional District, the 20th State Senate District, and the 41st State House District.

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